【同义词辨析】 2020-01-31 要求demand-exact

demand: implies peremptoriness and insistence and often the claiming of a right to make requests that are to be regarded as commands: the physician ~ed payment of her bill.  peremptory断然不妥协implies an abrupt dictatorial manner coupled with an unwillingness to tolerate disobedience or dissent做事唐突专断不容反对,如a peremptory style that does not allow for compromise专断毫不妥协的风格,3个关键词首字母恰好是mad) (request请求implies a formal and courteous asking是有礼貌的请求,如requests the pleasure of your company at the ball请求你一起参加舞会,显然本例中request其实不是通常的request,而是要被看作是命令command的,所以标蓝表示否定

claim: implies a demand for the delivery or concession of something due as one's own or one's right: ~ed to be the first to describe the disease. delivery提交concession承认,如承认败选演讲concession speech是承认自己败选   词根CLAM/CLAIM表示喊叫to shout, cry out,本例是词根本身,有喊叫声索的意涵   如机场取行李处叫luggage claim

require: suggests the imperative quality that arises from inner necessity, compulsion of law or regulation, or the exigencies of the situation: the patient ~s constant attention.   imperative有3个意思 1、重要必需必须的important and must be done, 如it is absolutely imperative that we finish by next week我们必须于下周完成,如it was imperative that he act as naturally as possible他必须做到尽可能自然  2、表达权威的命令的expressing authority,如an imperative tone命令的语调 3、祈使句a sentence that tells someone to do something,如stay at home待家里,如wear masks戴口罩  这里用1,表示必需

exact: implies not only demanding but getting what one demands: ~ a promise from a friend.

demand要求: 指断然坚称自己有权要求,等同命令,claim要求声索: 指要求得到应属自己的物品,或承认应属自己的权利,require需要: 表示必需,如自身需求法规要求情况紧急,exact要到: 指要求并得到

记忆方法: 1)首字母DCRE想成cred相信<==所以要求       ""是会意字,本意是需要,"西"表夕阳西下,"女"表妇女,表示"日暮就寝时丈夫搂着妻子的腰",本意为"需要"。引申为索取请求希望重要应该必须将会如果等。 ""在古代表示""皮,现有3个意思 1、设法得到,如求生求成求知求索求证求实求真讲求求同求全求贤求是  2、恳请乞助,如求人求告求乞求医求教求助请求  3、需要,如需求供过于求     词根CRED表示相信to believe, entrust,如credence相信credulous轻信的credible可信creed信条

        2)要求的意思希望得到某物mean to ask or call for something as due or as necessary or as strongly desired.